Salò Press

stories in which - Casey Garfield

stories in which - Casey Garfield

stories in which - Casey Garfield

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  • Description

In June 2023, Casey Garfield read at a pride event in a Norwich chapel, introducing their final poem with “This one’s about hope. Oh, who am I kidding? They’re all about hope.”

stories in which is a series of stories which are poems which are about the finding, creating and celebrating of beauty, tenderness, joy, and hope. Casey Garfield is good at holding hands: with friends, with lovers, with readers. I can’t really express the delight I felt as I was told stories about werewolves, sexy cashiers, and portraits who long to see the sky. But the closest I can get is the feeling of holding hands with people I love and hearing their stories: that’s what is marvellous here, how gently we are picked up and put down again after each poem. It’s an astonishingly good pamphlet. - Lewis Buxton

Never before have I read poetry so hilariously raw and aggressively lovely. stories in which will leave your heart full and your eyes wet. This is the non-toxic, honest optimism we need to tackle this world. Casey Garfield is a star in the making. - Cathleen Davies



Ships early September